This week is the week I discovered Seth Godin. I had heard of Seth before, seen the blog before… but today, Seth’s wisdom has LANDED. I don’t have a clear “end game” in mind. But something inside – the voice from within – is telling me writing is the right thing to do. I am compelled.
I love everything I’m reading, hearing, and seeing come out of Seth’s mouth. The “minimum viable audience.” Trust and attention are what matters, and the way to earn both of them is through generosity. So much more. And one thing Seth preaches is what we all should write a blog post every day.
I’m making this commitment to myself, and to the Internet, right now: I’m publishing a blog post every day.
I’m tired of waiting for “the moment.”
I’m done worrying about the writing being perfect.
I’m through with thinking about “my audience.”
I’m not going to concern myself with all the blogging “tricks” of writing SEO-friendly content, hyperlinking everything, crafting the perfect titles, and following all of Neil Patel’s tips (no offense, Neil, I think you’re incredibly good at what you do).
I don’t care if I fail, because I know I will learn from it and grow into something better because of it.
The “Publish” button will now become my friend, not my enemy.
I’m ready to be vulnerable.
I’m ready to share.
I’m ready.
This blog is for me.
If one day you are reading this, I’m glad it has brought you value, too.
I will write the things that I want to see in the world. The things that will give me value. The things I wish there were more of. The things that bring me joy and make me laugh. That will be enough.
I want my existence to make a positive impact. That impact starts right now.
I want my children and their children to be able to look back at the archives and see what kind of a ruckus their old man was stirring up.
I’m on inspiration overload reading and watching content from people like Tim Ferriss, Tony Robbins, Seth Godin, Marie Forleo, Elizabeth Gilbert, and Gary Vaynerchuk. I feel like I have inspiration bursting at the seems. There’s no other place for me to channel this inspiration than right here.
While this blog is for me, I want it to be about you. I want to provide value to you. I don’t know exactly how yet. But I’m committed to figuring it out.
Here’s a question I just asked myself while journaling and the four answers to it I came up with.
“What dent do I want to make in the universe?”
- Better the environment for the generations ahead.
- Make marketing better. Improve the profession and improve what we see as consumers. Less noise. More relevancy. Better attribution.
- Help everyone lead more productive and fulfilling lives.
- Reduce the amount of stuff we all use and think we need (i.e. embrace minimalism).
I expect future writings and works will embark upon some version of one of these directions.
I’m excited to see what tomorrow brings!